Start a community fridge in your neighborhood!
Join our Slack Group and talk to other freedge hosts and enthusiasts!

Suggested Food Safety Protocol
Focus Guide: Looking for a freedge Host
Focus Guide: Beware of the Liability Myth
Focus: Dealing with Health Inspectors
Download our accounting spreadsheet to have you manage your finances
Build a community fridge with LEDs!
Wooden Shelter template (made for @sacfridge4all)
Do you need financial help to set up your fridge? fill this form and apply for a freedge micro-grant!
Update: We are struggling with the number of applications and trying to get funds for everybody so our response might take a while, but we will get back to you!
Have more questions? email
Flyer for potential locations:
Ideal to be distributed when looking for potential hosts in your town (Print it using both sides of the paper and fold it in the middle.)
Create a monitoring system for your freedge, with cameras and sensors!
Build a solar-powered freedge!
Download the “Freedge Yourself” guide below (2017):
Download examples of information posters, flyers and magnets for your freedge:
Do you already have an operating community fridge? Fill this form and put yourself on the freedge map!
More Resources:
Check out this quick guide prepared by the Bratislava FREEdge team. They also made some fancy printables you can use!
Hubbub UK also prepared a pretty awesome guide on how to start a community fridge. To request a copy of it or to ask for further information and resources, please contact .
Prueba esta guía realizada por Nevera Solidaria de España
Quer criar uma geladeira comunitária no seu bairro? Encontre recursos em Português na página Freedge-se.